Kamis, 26 Mei 2016

Double Stochastic Trading - forex market hours est

Double Stochastic Trading ~ forex market hours estDouble stochastic trading is a momentum strategy based on two stochastics oscillators. The first fast, the second slow. The slow stochastic is the as the filter.Time frame 30 min or higher.Markets: Currency pairs, Indicies Commodities and Stocks.Indicators:Fast Stochastic oscillator ( 11, 3, 3, close).the crossover determines the entries in the direction of the trend.Slow Stochastic oscillator /21, 9, 9, close).IT determines the direction of the trend.Trading Rules Double Stochastic TradingTrades only in the direction of the major tred that determines the crossover of the slow Stochastic.BuySlow stochastic crosses upward below 50 level.Fast Stochastic...
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Forex Trading Strategy 125 - forex trading wallpaper

Forex Trading Strategy 125 ~ forex trading wallpaperTrade of the week 1: GBP/USD H1: 13-14 November: +126 pips (+6%)For more details, click "Examples of Trade" in the menuThis one is a tricky one. The price has dropped after the news on GBP, the next day, on the 13th, there is another break after a retrace, this is the 3rd break and price has already moved for +175 pips so we could have filtered the setup, however, the ewave has just started to pic on H4 and the risk is only 30 pips. We take the break and it drops again, on Friday we have a perfect exit at BRN 1.56 for +6% profit.More info for Forex Trading Strategy 125 ~ forex trading wallpap...
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Piramida capitalismului - forex trading platform demo account

Piramida capitalismului ~ forex trading platform demo accountÎnscrieri la Cursurile de Analiz? Gann ?i abonare la Buletinul de Analiz? S?pt?mânal? Gann pe emailgannmasterforex@gmail.com  si pe Patreon.comMore info for Piramida capitalismului ~ forex trading platform demo accou...
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Forex Trading Strategy 94 - forex trading using fibonacci and elliott wave

Forex Trading Strategy 94 ~ forex trading using fibonacci and elliott waveReview of the week 2 - 6 February on 9 pairs H1A small week, few losses, some small wins for a total profit of +3.5%More info for Forex Trading Strategy 94 ~ forex trading using fibonacci and elliott wa...
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Rabu, 25 Mei 2016

Forex Trading Strategy 69 - forex trading technical analysis

Forex Trading Strategy 69 ~ forex trading technical analysisReview of the week 6 -10 April on 9 pairs H1: +16% ProfitAn amazing with mainly 3 very good trades on EUR/JPY, EUR/USD, GBP/USD for a total profit of +16% More info for Forex Trading Strategy 69 ~ forex trading technical analys...
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MACD Histogram Intraday Trading - forex trading peak hours

MACD Histogram Intraday Trading ~ forex trading peak hoursMACD Histogram intraday trading is a trend following strategy.Currency pairs: EUR/USD, GBP/USD, USD/JPY.Sessions: London and New York.Time Frame H1MACD Setup: 12,26,9.In this strategy we analyze the correspondence between the candles and bars of the MACD.When an candle close we see the colour of the candle, the open, the low, the high and the histogram bar of the MACD (12,26,9).BuyCandle closes as a blue candle and the MACD Histogram bar is above zero level or crosses upward go buy and place a buy order one pip above the high of this candle.SellCandle closes as a red candle and the MACD Histogram bar is below zero level or cross downward,...
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Forex Trading Strategy 91 - forex trading using martingale strategy

Forex Trading Strategy 91 ~ forex trading using martingale strategyReview of the week 9 - 13 February on 9 pairs H1A very good week  with a 4% profit trade on USD/JPY and a couple of good trades for a total profit of +11%More info for Forex Trading Strategy 91 ~ forex trading using martingale strate...
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Range Breakout Scalping - forex trading hours in malaysia

Range Breakout Scalping ~ forex trading hours in malaysiaTime Sensitive Method: fast breakout range.Range breakout scalping is a simple and easy method for trading. This method it’s based on six ranges of the price in the London and New York sessions. The range of the price is of 30 min,. The trades of this strategy are very fast.Range prices:London Session1) 9:00 9:302) 10:00 10:30New York Session3)15:30 16:004) 16:30 17:005) 18:30 19:00Trading RulesSetupPlace two pending orders.Enter on a buy stoporder 2 pips above the high of the 30 min range,Enter on a sell stoporder 2 pips below the low of the 30 min range.Profit: 5-pips profit .Stop loss: 7 pips exit or close out position at the five...
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Forex Trading Strategy 111 - forex trading vs day trading

Forex Trading Strategy 111 ~ forex trading vs day tradingMarket Analysis of the 22nd of December 2014 : Opportunities on EUR/USD, GBP/USD, USD/JPY, USD/CHF, AUD/USD, XAU/USD, EUR/JPY, USD/CAD & NZD/USD D1, H4 & H1Click on the Menu on "Market Analysis" for all the analysis.EUR/USD: Still not in the wave 4 officially, new push of the price south and it is now below the fractal box reaching a new low. DowntrendGBP/USD: Same as EUR/USD, no cross of the Ewaves zero line, however, we have a recent divergence. It is still a downtrend overall.USD/JPY: After the last week divergence, we have a sleeping Alligator, we are maybe already in the "b" move of the wave 4 but that wave is still...
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Selasa, 24 Mei 2016

1 Min EUR USD Scalping Strategy - forex trading session times

1 Min EUR USD Scalping Strategy ~ forex trading session times1 Min EUR/USD scalping strategy is a trend-momentum trading system.Time Frame 1 Min but this forex trading system is good also with 5 min time frame ( and you can use majors currency pairs).Currency pair: only EUR/USDSessions: London and New York.Financial Technical Indicators9 EMA close;Bollinber bands with 18 Deviation 2 period, close and 1 shift,Paraboli Sar indicator step MIN 0.019 and Max 0.08, (PSAR for trend direction)MACD with default settings (12,26, 9) close,RSI 14 period close with level 50.Buy1. when 9 EMA crosses above middle of BB.2. MACD is above zero line.3. RSI is above 50.4. PSAR for verify trend direction.Sell1....
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Peko Money Tracker Cash Out 1 - forex trading with zigzag indicator

Peko Money Tracker Cash Out 1 ~ forex trading with zigzag indicator1st cash out! It is an app where you play little mini games in the form of roulette with other users to earn points. Bonus points are rewarded if they are within 3 miles from your location and also when they respond within 10 minutes from the time you Peko them.After 2 short days and a couple of invites i finally managed to accumulate 100k points and be eligible for cashout! Ok, 30 cents was deducted but hey i still managed to get USD 9.70 transferred to my paypal account. What is important is that I have proven that this app is not a scam and it pays out real money to play!More info for Peko Money Tracker Cash...
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Instant Pip Profit - forex market hours gadget

Instant Pip Profit ~ forex market hours gadgetPrices at the upper Bollinger band are considered high and prices at the lower Bollinger band are considered low. However, just because prices have hit the upper Bollinger does not necessarily mean that it is a good time to sell. Therefore, just buying at the lower band and selling at the upper band is out of the question. By definition, price makes new highs in an uptrend and new lows in a downtrend, which means that they will naturally be hitting the bands. With this information in mind, our filter will require that buy signals occur only if the candle following the one that hits the Lower Bollinger band does not make a new low (white candle) and...
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Senin, 23 Mei 2016

Forex Trading Strategy 109 - forex trading vocabulary

Forex Trading Strategy 109 ~ forex trading vocabularyMarket has not move a lot this week...Next video: Market analysis for the first week of January (before if something happens)Have great holidaysMore info for Forex Trading Strategy 109 ~ forex trading vocabula...
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Gazele naturale se pregatesc de long - forex trading platforms for beginners

Gazele naturale se pregatesc de long ~ forex trading platforms for beginnersDin anul 2014, cand in luna februarie realiza un top la 6.41, gazele naturale s-au depreciat continuu. Dupa cum putem sa vedem in graficul nostru de 4H, pretul a reusit sa strapunga linia de rezistenta a canalului de pret si in acest moment consolideaza peste aceasta linie de rezistenta. Consideram ca foarte curand pretul la gazele naturale se va aprecia. Asteptam cu interes ca aceasta structura de consolidare construita sub nivelul de rezistenta dinamica a arcului de cerc sa fie sparta pentru a deschide o pozitie long cu un prim target in zona lui 2.77.Înscrieri la Cursurile de Analiz? Gann ?i abonare la Buletinul de...
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10 lucruri pe care ar trebui sa le stiti despre sirul Fibonacci - forex market hours over xmas

10 lucruri pe care ar trebui sa le stiti despre sirul Fibonacci ~ forex market hours over xmasDespre numerele si ratiile Fibonacci s-a scris mult si cu siguranta se va mai scrie. Nu cred ca existatrader in lume care sa nu le fi folosit in analizele lor desi sunt destul de convins ca foarte multi dintreacestia o fac impropriu. Pentru cei care se gasesc la inceput de drum in trading cred ca merita sa scriem  cateva lucruri despre numerele Fibonacci.1) Numerele Fibonacci sunt 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144,233,377,610 etc.2)Nu trebuie sa va straduiti sa le invatati, cred ca mai util este sa stiti cum sa le calculati. Adunati ultimele doua numere din secventa Fibonacci si asa o sa aflati numarul...
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Forex Trading Strategy 66 - forex trading terms

Forex Trading Strategy 66 ~ forex trading termsMarket Analysis of the 27th of April 2015 : Opportunities on EUR/USD, GBP/USD, USD/JPY, USD/CHF, AUD/USD, XAU/USD, EUR/JPY, USD/CAD & NZD/USD D1, H4 & H1Click on the Menu on "Market Analysis" for all the analysis.Daily charts: No direction for the paires, wave 4 or ewave coming back to the zero lineEUR/USD: Its end of wave 3 and we enter into wave 4, prudenceGBP/USD: End of the wave 5 with price now breaking the box,maybe a new wave 3 upUSD/JPY: No trend following a cycle of 5 waves, sleeping alligator, wait for the break of the boxUSD/CHF: Wave 4, sleeping alligator, wait for the break of the boxAUD/USD:  End of the wave...
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Position Size - forex trading times london

Position Size ~ forex trading times londonA position sizing rule determines the number of contracts or shares that are committed to each trade.It is very easy to see the impact of position sizing at either extreme.If we trade a position size that is too small—for example, one S&P con- tract per $1,000,000—our trading equity is not being used at optimal levels. Conversely, a position size that is too large—for example, 100 S&P per $100,000—for our capital can increase our risk of ruin to certainty.Only the most naive and inexperienced of traders will be ensnared by either of these extremes. It is in the area between these two opposite ends of the spectrum, however, where a sizing rule...
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Minggu, 22 Mei 2016

Forex Trading Strategy 100 - forex trading vs binary options

Forex Trading Strategy 100 ~ forex trading vs binary optionsTrade of the Week: XAU/USD H1: 20-21 January: +2.75% Profit (+164 pips)For more details, click "Examples of Trade" in the menuOn the 20th of January, the H4 alligator is open, it is an uptrend. We look for a setup on H1, there we have a sleeping alligator and a tight box . We place the pending order above the box. The price breaks the box and moves up and we exit when it break the box in the opposite side for +164 pips (+2.75%)More info for Forex Trading Strategy 100 ~ forex trading vs binary optio...
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Forex Trading Strategy 64 - forex trading taxes usa

Forex Trading Strategy 64 ~ forex trading taxes usaReview of the week 20 -24 April on 9 pairs H1: +5.5% ProfitA pretty good week with a couple of good trades on friday 24th for a total of the week of +5.5% profitMore info for Forex Trading Strategy 64 ~ forex trading taxes u...
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Fading false breakout - forex market hours in gmt

Fading false breakout ~ forex market hours in gmtThis strategy is specifically designed for the euro/U.S. dollar (EUR/USD) currency pair. The plan is to enter a sell order above the market, in order to fade a move higher, and at the same time enter a buy order beneath the market, to trade against a move lower. In both cases we are assumingthat any directional movement is false, and the exchange rate is likely to retrace.Such a directional move is likely to be caused by a large order, which would not have the power to move the market under normal circumstances. Since the volume is extremely low at this time of day, these orders now have the ability to create market movement under “thin” tradingconditions.SettingThe...
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Sabtu, 21 Mei 2016

Profit target - forex trading hours malaysia time

Profit target ~ forex trading hours malaysia timeThe other way to protect open equity profit is to take profits when a predetermined price level or profit threshold has been reached. There are many ways to calculate such profit target thresholds. Profit target orders are set with price or better or price limit orders.Definition: A profit target is an unconditional exit of a trade with a locked-in profit at some predetermined price or profit level. The incorporation of a profit target into a trading system is a more proactive and aggressive method of profit management. The most positive aspect of a profit target is that once the desired profit is realized, it is captured immediately. It therefore...
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Forex Trading Strategy 147 - forex trading mac os x

Forex Trading Strategy 147 ~ forex trading mac os xTrade of the week: Fantastic +9.5% Profit (+250 pips) trade campaign on EUR/JPY H1 on 17-19 September 2014For more details, click "Examples of Trade" in the menuThis is a classical trade in the direction of H4 with a double break H1-H4More info for Forex Trading Strategy 147 ~ forex trading mac os...
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Forex Trading Strategy 76 - forex trading testimonials

Forex Trading Strategy 76 ~ forex trading testimonialsMarket Analysis of the 30th of March 2015 : Opportunities on EUR/USD, GBP/USD, USD/JPY, USD/CHF, AUD/USD, XAU/USD, EUR/JPY, USD/CAD & NZD/USD D1, H4 & H1Click on the Menu on "Market Analysis" for all the analysis.Daily charts: For most of the pairs, we are entering into the wave 4 so it could bring some small trades long and short on H1 but we have to be overall prudent and be selective in taking setupsEUR/USD: It looks like we are now coming into the wave 4, price inside the alligator, prudenceGBP/USD: Still wave 5 down but with ewave coming back to the zero line, downtrend but prudenceUSD/JPY: End of wave 3 up, cross of...
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Legea Cauzalitatii in tehnicile Gann - forex market hours usa

Legea Cauzalitatii in tehnicile Gann ~ forex market hours usaMiscare de acceleratie a pretului absolut superba pe perechea EUR/USD pornita pe nivelul de suport dinamic al unghiului 1x1 aflat in confluenta cu nivelul de rezistenta timp de 33%. Dupa cum putem sa observam in graficul nostru de mai sus pretul si-a finalizat miscarea descendenta pe nivelul de suport dinamic al unghiului 1x1 exact in momentul in care s-a izbit de nivelul de rezistenta timp de 12,50%. Dar de ce a realizat acest bottom major chiar acolo si chiar atunci? Iata o intrebare al carui raspuns este extrem de important. Gann afirma ca in piata ceea ce a mai fost va mai fi. Miscarile de pret respecta anumite patternuri armonice...
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Forex Trading Strategy 131 - forex trading with bitcoin

Forex Trading Strategy 131 ~ forex trading with bitcoinTrade of the week: Amazing +550 pip profit (+11%) trade on XAU/USD H1 on 29-31 October 2014For more details, click "Examples of Trade" in the menuIts downtrend on the daily chart and we expect wave 5, on H4 the direction is south also. We take the break of a lovely double lower H1-H4 level of the fractal box. We have no exit signal but we exit always before the end of the week, for +550 pips More info for Forex Trading Strategy 131 ~ forex trading with bitco...
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Înainte de FMOC - forex trading application software

Înainte de FMOC ~ forex trading application softwareÎn ultimele zile am primit câteva zeci de solicit?ri din partea cititorilor acestui blog ?i a abona?ilor la "Buletinul de Analiz? s?pt?mânal? Gann", s? scriu o analiz? mai ampl? despre scenariile pe care eu le v?d pentru ziua de 16 decembrie, ziua în care FMOC va anun?a dac? va majora dobânda pe dolarul american.Mai sunt aproximativ 20 de ore pân? când vom ?ti dac? dobânda pe dolarul american va fi majorat? sau nu.Probabilitatea ca dobânda dolarului american s? fie majorat? este foarte mare. Dac? vom urm?ri datele de la Fed Futures-un instrument futures de la CME, care practic ne prezint? cota de pariuri a traderilor pe dobânda de baz?, probabilitatea...
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EUR NZD marcheaza primul target la 199 de pips - forex trading platforms usa

EUR NZD marcheaza primul target la 199 de pips ~ forex trading platforms usaEUR/NZD dupa finalizarea structurii de corectie a intrat intr-o miscare ascendenta accelerata. In cursul de analiza cu elevii le recomandam sa deschida o pozitie long EUR/NZD cu un prim target la 1.6417  si un al doilea target la 1.6695. Dupa cum se poate vedea in graficul de mai sus, pretul a ajuns pe zona noastra de target vom marca aici partial profitul la +199 de pips si vom muta pozitia la BE+. Ramanem long in free trade.Înscrieri la Cursurile de Analiz? Gann ?i abonare la Buletinul de Analiz? S?pt?mânal? Gann pe emailgannmasterforex@gmail.com  si pe Patreon.comDaca analizele noastre va plac distribuiti...
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Forex Trading Strategy 104 - forex trading volume data

Forex Trading Strategy 104 ~ forex trading volume dataMarket Analysis of the 19th of January 2014 : Opportunities on EUR/USD, GBP/USD, USD/JPY, USD/CHF, AUD/USD, XAU/USD, EUR/JPY, USD/CAD & NZD/USD D1, H4 & H1Click on the Menu on "Market Analysis" for all the analysis.For most of the pairs, we have a clear trend on the daily chart. This should give us some good setups on H4/H1EUR/USD: We are in a big wave 3 downGBP/USD: This is also wave 3 down, some pull back but the alligators lines are openUSD/JPY: We are into the wave 4, but that "c" move of the wave 4 could become a new wave 3USD/CHF: After the fall of the pair, the new direction is obviously shortAUD/USD: It looks like...
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Jumat, 20 Mei 2016

FX Brokers - forex market hours open

FX Brokers ~ forex market hours openFX BrokersYour trading experience will be directly tied to the type of brokerage firm you use.Two types of retail FX brokers offer speculative currency trading to investors: traditional brokers that provide clients access to an ECN and brokers that operate as dealing desks.ECN Brokersan ECN is an electronic communication network in which currency pairs are traded by banks, central banks, corporations, and now speculators. ECN brokers, however, are also known as non-dealing-desk brokers because, similar to the traditional sense of a broker, they serve as an agent to provide customer access to the FX market (an ECN) as opposed to dealing the FX pairs directly...
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McDonalds Surprise Alarm App - forex trading youtube videos

McDonalds Surprise Alarm App ~ forex trading youtube videosMcDonalds Surprise Alarm AppHave you ever wondered why McDonalds are always the fast food restaurant with the longest queue?I dont know about you, but the way i see it, its because of peoplelike me (cheapskate you would say...haha) using their free rewards app McDonalds Surprise Alarm App redeeming free food or food at discounted prices.If its not about food, theygive you a quote of the day as consolation. But hey, whos complaining? Its an alarm, its a reward, its free!How do you use the app?You can download the app here.After you have downloaded the app and created an account with them, you can set the time for your reward...
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Euro a ajuns pe zona de finalizare a corecției - forex trading web based platforms

Euro a ajuns pe zona de finalizare a corecției ~ forex trading web based platformsEur/Usd a str?puns primul nostru nivel de suport vizat. Dup? cum vedem în graficul de mai sus, moneda european? evolueaz? în acest moment în divergen?? cu indicatorul MACD. Marc?m înc? o parte din profitul realizat la +67 de pips ?i strangem la maxim nivelul de stop. Ne preg?tim pentru ini?ierea unei pozi?ii long.More info for Euro a ajuns pe zona de finalizare a corecției ~ forex trading web based platfor...
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5 Apps That Will Make Money For You - forex trading hours clock

5 Apps That Will Make Money For You ~ forex trading hours clockThe smart phone in our hand can probably help us with a million ways and whether its the calendar for tracking or just the calculator for simple sums, we cant take our eyes off it. Can we? If thats the case, why not see if our smart phones can make us some money.Here are some apps that i have tried and tested that actually got me some hard cold cash. Some are better than the others but it all depends on the effort you put it. :) Cash outs can be via paypal or in the form of gift cards and free app purchase.Checkpoints - Pays you for downloading and trying out apps. A couple of friend invites will push you towards your first cash...
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Ema with Momentum - forex market hours desktop widget

Ema with Momentum ~ forex market hours desktop widgetEMA   with momentum is trend momentum trading system.Currency pairs: Majors and Minor.Time Fraame 30min or higher.Indicators:Stochastic indicator (8, 3,3,),Momentum (8),EMA 21,EMA 86,BUY WHEN: The white Candlesticks are ABOVE the 2 EMA lines (Yellow and Gold).(Section 1)  The momentum line is BELOW 100 BUT positively starting to move UPWARDS.(Section 2) Stoch Blue line starts to climb ABOVE the red line, at a sharper angle.(Section 3).SELL WHEN:The white Candlesticks are BELOW the 2 EMA lines (Yellow and Gold).(Section 1)  The momentum line is ABOVE 100 BUT positively starting to moveDOWNWARDS. (Section 2) Stoch Blue...
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Reaching for the stars - forex trading zulu

Reaching for the stars ~ forex trading zuluExciting to spot another new sprout coming from my terrarium. This is the third new shoot.  More info for Reaching for the stars ~ forex trading zu...
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Kamis, 19 Mei 2016

CCI and Momentum Intraday Trading - forex market hours good friday

CCI and Momentum Intraday Trading ~ forex market hours good fridayCCI and Momentum trading is an intraday system will shortly explain all the indicators we will be using. Time Frame 15 min or 30 min. Currency pairs: majors.MomentumThe Momentum indicator is a speed of movement (or rate of change) indicator, that is designed toidentify the speed (or strength) of a price movement. In other words you should be buying when the price is picking up momentum and selling when that momentum has been lost.We use Momentum with period 60, computed from typical price. The rule is that we go long only if the Momentum is higher than 100, and go short if Momentum is lower than 100.Commodity Chanel Index – CCIThe...
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Forex Trading Strategy 106 - forex trading videos for beginners

Forex Trading Strategy 106 ~ forex trading videos for beginnersMarket Analysis of the 12th of January 2014 : Opportunities on EUR/USD, GBP/USD, USD/JPY, USD/CHF, AUD/USD, XAU/USD, EUR/JPY, USD/CAD & NZD/USD D1, H4 & H1Click on the Menu on "Market Analysis" for all the analysis.For most of the pairs, we have a clear trend on the daily chart. This should give us some good setups on H4/H1EUR/USD: We are in a big wave 3 downGBP/USD: This is also wave 3 downUSD/JPY: It looks like we come into a wave 4, alligator is going to sleep. No direction for H1/H4 tradesUSD/CHF: We are in a big wave 3 upAUD/USD: Wave 5 is losing steam, be prudent as long as price is inside the boxEUR/JPY:...
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