Sabtu, 30 April 2016

Managerizare poziție long euro - forex trading software for beginners

Managerizare poziție long euro ~ forex trading software for beginnersMarc?m par?ial profitul la +31 de pips. Nivelul de stop r?mâne nemodificat la BE+6.Înscrieri la Cursurile de Analiz? Gann ?i abonare la Buletinul de Analiz? S?pt?mânal? Gann pe  si pe Patreon.comMore info for Managerizare poziție long euro ~ forex trading software for beginne...
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Breakout Candlestick Pattern Engulfing pattern - forex 1 hour trading strategy

Breakout Candlestick Pattern Engulfing pattern ~ forex 1 hour trading strategyThe bullish engulfing pattern (picture 1) is significat contains of two candlesticks; the first is black, and the second is a white candle that completely “engulfs” the first candle.engulfing patternThe size and positioning of the white candlestick can vary greatly, but the critical feature of the pattern is that the second candle should be long and its body should completely encompass the wicks or shadows as well as the body of the smaller candle. The bigger the candle, the more bullish the signal. The bearish engulfing pattern works the exact same way except in reverse. Picture 2 and 3 show both bullish and bearish...
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5 min Scalping GBP USD with Bollinger Bands - forex trading hours philippines

5 min Scalping GBP USD with Bollinger Bands ~ forex trading hours philippines5 min scalping GBP/USD with bollinger bands is trading method based on the bands thar are used for to identify the trades. Long trades are taken when market prices touch the bottom band; short trades are taken when market prices touch the upper band. Currency Pairs: GBP/USD, (best), EUR/USD, AUD/USD, USD/CHF, AUD/JPY, USD/JPYTime Frame 5 minTrading Sessions: allForex Indicators:Bollinger bands (20, 2)RSI (9)Do not Trade before news economic.Long Trade SetupHere are the steps to execute a long trade using the trading system1. Wait for the market to touch the lower band of the Bollinger Bands. 2. Enter for a long when...
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Forex Trading Strategy 90 - forex trading uk tax

Forex Trading Strategy 90 ~ forex trading uk taxMarket Analysis of the 23rd of February 2014 : Opportunities on EUR/USD, GBP/USD, USD/JPY, USD/CHF, AUD/USD, XAU/USD, EUR/JPY, USD/CAD & NZD/USD D1, H4 & H1Click on the Menu on "Market Analysis" for all the analysis.Daily charts: For most of the pairs, we are in the wave 4 and/or there is no clear direction. PrudenceEUR/USD: We are in still in the wave 3 down, some pullback but no divergence. DowntrendGBP/USD: We are in the wave 4 (probably the "a" move up). Prudence.USD/JPY: We are in the wave 4, we expect the wave 5 to come (this is a D1 setup). Prudence if price is inside the boxUSD/CHF:  We are in the wave 4; PrudenceAUD/USD:...
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Short USD CHF - forex trading software best

Short USD CHF ~ forex trading software bestUSD/CHF dup? mi?carea descendent? impulsiv? a realizat o corec?ie ?i foarte probabil î?i va relua mi?carea descendent?. Am decis deschiderea unei pozi?ii short cu o prim? zon? de targetare la 0.9953 ?i un al doilea target la 0.9872.Înscrieri la Cursurile de Analiz? Gann ?i abonare la Buletinul de Analiz? S?pt?mânal? Gann pe  si pe Patreon.comMore info for Short USD CHF ~ forex trading software be...
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Peko Play to be Paid! - forex trading hours saturday

Peko Play to be Paid! ~ forex trading hours saturdayPeko: Play to be Paid!Check out this new app "PEKO"!It is an app where you play little mini games in the form of roulette with other users to earn points. Bonus points are rewarded if they are within 3 miles from your location and also when they respond within 10 minutes from the time you Peko them.You have a limited number of pekos to search for user and 1 peko is added once every hour. Therefore use thoses pekos wisely. Pekos must be responded to within an hour or will be forfeited. It would be a good practice to peko only those who are online wherever possible.Once you have earned 100,000 points, you can cash out for US$10 via Paypal. There...
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Indecision Candlestick Pattern Gravestone doji - forex trading times south africa

Indecision Candlestick Pattern Gravestone doji ~ forex trading times south africaGravestone Doji patternCandlestick Gravestone doji formation has the open, low and close equal and the high creates a long upper shadow. We have that gravestone is a candlestick looks like an upside down "T" with a long upper shadow and no lower shadow. Pattern Gravestone doji shows that buyers control trading and drive pricesupward during the session. But, by the end of the session, sellers are able to overturn the prices down to the level of the opening. Why Gravestone is a pattern of indecision in the market? Because it provides an indication that depends on the future price action for confirmation. From this...
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Forex Trading Strategy 135 - forex trading with etrade

Forex Trading Strategy 135 ~ forex trading with etradeReview of the week 13-17 October on 9 pairs H1A small week: +6.5% profit, only a good trade on cable (see trade of the week) and a small one on USD/CADMore info for Forex Trading Strategy 135 ~ forex trading with etra...
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Jumat, 29 April 2016

Euro a ajuns pe zona de suport 1 8 - best forex trading platforms canada

Euro a ajuns pe zona de suport 1 8 ~ best forex trading platforms canadaÎncepem s?pt?mâna de tranzac?ionare cu un calendar economic pu?in atipic pentru o zi de luni care, de obicei, este destul de s?rac? în date fundamentale. Ziua de azi îns?, se anun?? interesant?.La ora 10 ?i 30 de minute din Germania vom primi datele PMI. La ora 11 vom sosi ?i datele Manufacturing PMI din Zona Euro.Dup? ora 17 pia?a va a?tepta un anun? al FED ce s-ar putea s? ne surprind?. Este deci o zi de luni care foarte posibil va deveni interesant?, cu prec?dere dup? ora 17.La finalul s?pt?mânii precedente postam o analiz? pentru perechea Eur/Usd în care afirmam c? moneda european? se apropie de finalul raliului ?i,...
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Kamis, 28 April 2016

Forex Trading Strategy 121 - forex trading with 1000 dollars

Forex Trading Strategy 121 ~ forex trading with 1000 dollarsTrade of the week : EUR/USD H1: 21th of November: +135 pips (+3.5%)For more details, click "Examples of Trade" in the menuThis one is a contre-trend trade. On H4, its downtrend and we expect the wave 5, on the 19th we do have a BDC indicating a possible change of H4 direction, so we look at a setup on H1; We have a perfect one on the Friday London Open with a lovely inferior level of the fractal box. We take the break and the price dropes, we have a perfect exit at the bottom of the D1 box for +135 pips.More info for Forex Trading Strategy 121 ~ forex trading with 1000 dolla...
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Analiza săptămânală - forex trading the best platform to earn perfect living

Analiza săptămânală ~ forex trading the best platform to earn perfect livingEuro a?a cum ne a?teptam ?i prognozam pe 29 noiembrie, a realizat s?pt?mâna trecut? un revrsal ascu?it.În analiza noastr? de pe 29 postam aceste dou? grafice de mai jos, înso?ite de urm?toarea argumenta?ie tehnic?"Dup? cum putem s? vedem, cel mai probabil, Eur/Usd se g?se?te în acest moment într-un val 5 de tip ending diagonal, sub unghiul 1x1. Structura acestui val s-a format pe zona de rezisten?? timp de 90 de zile calendaristice din top. Finalizarea acestui ending diagonal va fi momentul când pre?ul va intra în raliu cu prim? zon? de rezisten?? sub unghiul 1x1.Din perspectiva patternurilor armonice putem s? observ?m...
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Euro reacționează din suportul dinamic 2x1 - forex trading platforms download

Euro reacționează din suportul dinamic 2x1 ~ forex trading platforms downloadDatele fundamentale din SUA de la finalul s?pt?mânii precedente au dat un nou impuls ascendent indicelui dolarului ?i a trimis moneda european? pe noi minime.În imaginea de mai jos avem un grafic zilnic, al perechii Eur/Usd, cu un box Gann construit pe o vibratie de 180 de zile ?i 1800 de pips. La momentul în care pre?ul a ie?it din spa?iul de timp al box-ului ini?ial am prelungit acest box cu o nou? secven?? de 90 de zile p?strând îns? vibra?ia pre?/timp ini?ial?. Dup? cum putem observa, pre?ul a coborât vineri exact pân? pe nivelul de suport de 12,50 al box-ului nostru, aflat în confluen?? cu unghiul 2x1. Dup? atingerea...
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Forex Trading Strategy 116 - forex trading vietnam

Forex Trading Strategy 116 ~ forex trading vietnamTrade of the Week: EUR/USD H1: 2-4 December: +10% (+140 pips)For more details, click "Examples of Trade" in the menuThis is downtrend on the daily chart, on H4, we have a sleeping alligator  and the fractal box is big so the price has space to move. The 2nd of Decembre at Francfort Open, we have a H1 setup with a sleeping alligator and a very tight box, we take the break and the price moves down harmoniously, we exit 2 days later when the price breaks the upper level of the fractal box for +140 pips, an amazing +10% profit trade.More info for Forex Trading Strategy 116 ~ forex trading vietn...
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Travel Smart Rewards - forex trading yuan

Travel Smart Rewards ~ forex trading yuanTravel Smart RewardsDo you take the MRT to work or play from Monday to Friday? If you do, this is one money makingthingy you absolutely must have! This is a program that encourages commuters to travel a different timings in the morning so as to avoid congesting."You will automatically earn 1 point for every 1 kilometre you travel on the train all day during a weekday, Monday through Friday. Weekend and bus travel does not count." Decongesting hours are between 6:15 - 7:15am and 8:45 - 9:45am. - travelsmartrewards.sgTo put it simply, you earn points for every km you travel but bonus points if you take during the decongesting hours. The points are added...
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AUDCHF pe suportul dinamic 2x1 - forex trading platforms in nigeria

AUDCHF pe suportul dinamic 2x1 ~ forex trading platforms in nigeriaIeri, postam o scurta analiza in care afirmam ca dolarul australian este gata de short in fata francului elvetian. Dupa cum putem vedea in graficul de mai sus pretul a reusit sa strapunga in forta unghiul 1x1 ascendent si in acest moment se gaseste pe zona de suport dinamic a unghiului 2x1. Acest nivel de suport dinamic este extrem  de important.  Daca acest nivel de suport va fi strapuns se va deschide cale libera spre zona noastra de targetare de pe suportul dinamic 8x1. Tinta noastra finala pentru aceasta tranzactionare este insa mult mai jos, la 0.6910.Înscrieri la Cursurile de Analiz? Gann ?i abonare la Buletinul...
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Rabu, 27 April 2016

Why you need a budget - forex trader yang berjaya di malaysia

Why you need a budget ~ forex trader yang berjaya di malaysia2 weeks have passed since the beginning of 2016. I was looking at my ducky challenge and a small sense of satisfaction came to me when i saw that this challenge was right on track. My wife and i have been putting our initials to the chart everyday when we drop a dollar into ducky.I then started a casual conversation with my wife about my grand plans of saving and budgeting -“Hey, did you realise how much we spent just this one afternoon? We should be keeping track of all our expenses so that we......”“Track everything for what? Whats the point of making our life so difficult? Wanna buy everything also must think so much!”I guess i...
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Forex Trading Strategy 150 - iforex forex trading tl

Forex Trading Strategy 150 ~ iforex forex trading tlTrade of the week: Superbe +7% Profit (+132 pips) trade campaign on USD/CAD H1 on 8-12 September 2014For more details, click "Examples of Trade" in the menuMore info for Forex Trading Strategy 150 ~ iforex forex trading ...
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Double Bollinger Bands with Awesome - forex trading times around the world

Double Bollinger Bands with Awesome ~ forex trading times around the worldDouble Bollinger Bands with Awesomeis trading system a system of volatility trend following.This system is profitable. It has good profitability and a good ratio Profit/ losses.Time Frame 4H or higher.Currency pairs: any.Technical indicators:Bollinger Bands (20, 2);Bollinger Bands (20; 1);Awesome (optional).Candle pattern 1-2-3Trading RulesBuyThe candle closes above the Bollinger Bands 1 with the condition that the previous twocandles have closed within Bollinger Band 1 but above of the middle band (this condition setup is important).Awesome with green bar is optional.SellThe candles price closes below the Bollinger Bands...
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3 Things About Colleagues and Friends - forex trading yearly returns

3 Things About Colleagues and Friends ~ forex trading yearly returnsHouse M.D. was a popular drama series many years back about a brilliant doctor and his team of doctors handling life threatening situations every week. Many life lessons can be learnt from this show alone which turned out to be famous quotes like Everybody Lies, "You talk to God, you are religious. God talks to you, you are psychotic! and many others. But the one with the most impact on me is as follows;Quote:"Dr. Allison Cameron: If we want this to not get in the way of our friendship, I think we both have to apologize and put it behind us. Dr. Eric Foreman: I like you, really. We have a good time working together. But...
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Fibonacci levels support and resistance - forex trading hours utc

Fibonacci levels support and resistance ~ forex trading hours utcThe Fibonacci sequence describes key ratios from growth in plants, human anatomy, and so on. The forex application is to price movements, which appears to realize Fibonacci ratios. This is particularly obvious on larger time frames such as weekly, daily, and 4-hour time charts. A large move from a low to a high is often followed by an attempt of the price to move back or “retrace” the original move. These areas of rest are Fibonacci points. For example, let’s look at a chart showing a price move on the euro–U.S. dollar (EURUSD) 4H chart chart (see picture1).We can see that the EURUSD made a low at 1.3525 and then proceeded to forma...
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Detrend Forex Trading System - trading hours in forex

Detrend Forex Trading System ~ trading hours in forexDetrend Forex Trading System is a momentum strategy.Time Frame 60 min or higher.Currency pairs: majors (only 60 min time frame) or higher time frame.Indicators:Simple moving average 3 period close;Simple moving average 15 period close;Detrend Indicator (DPO) 14 period close;ADX (14 period close, with 25 level);MACD (default setting: 12, 26, 9).See setting in the picture below:In the above chart, the black MA is the 3 day, and the light blue MA is the 15 day. Whenusing the 3/15 cross, a buy confirmation is when the 3 day crosses above the 15 day, and asell confirmation is when the 3 day crosses below the 15 day. (Please see above chart) Forus...
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Selasa, 26 April 2016

Forex Trading Strategy 110 - forex trading volume indicator

Forex Trading Strategy 110 ~ forex trading volume indicatorReview of the week 15 - 19 December on 9 pairs H1A very quite week with very few setups for a total of +1% profitMore info for Forex Trading Strategy 110 ~ forex trading volume indicat...
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Richard Russel a à ncetat din viață - forex trading software canada

Richard Russel a à ncetat din viață ~ forex trading software canadaIeri, la locuin?a sa din La Jolla, California, a încetat din via?? Richard Russel, unul dintre cei mai reputa?i anali?ti tehnici care din anul 1954, a publicat f?r? întrerupere, pentru abona?ii s?i, "DowTheory Letters".Adept al principiilor lui Charles Dow, Richard Russel a fost fondatorul "Wall Street Journal". În ultimul s?u editorial publicat pe data de 16 noiembrie a acestui an, Russel spunea "Am citit 10 ziare pe zi, dar vestea rea este c? este din ce în ce mai greu s? digeri toat? înforma?ia, ?i masa mare de surse de ?tiri, ce devindin ce în ce mai complexe. Încerc s?-mi imaginez cum vor ar?ta ziarele peste zece ani".Robert...
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Senin, 25 April 2016

Manageriare pozitie long GBPAUD - forex trading platforms australia

Manageriare pozitie long GBPAUD ~ forex trading platforms australiaCandela de o ora pe perechea GBPAUD nu a oferit un top peste maxima anterioara. Nu excludem intrarea intr-o noua miscare corectiva din acest motiv marcam partial profitul la +65 de pips si mutam stop loss la BE+. Ramanem long in free trade.Înscrieri la Cursurile de Analiz? Gann ?i abonare la Buletinul de Analiz? S?pt?mânal? Gann pe  si pe Patreon.comDaca analizele noastre va plac distribuiti link-ul prietenilor dumneavoastra pe canalele de socializare. Doriti sa aflati mai multe despre analiza Gann, puneti intrebari in rubrica noastra de comantarii. Va vom raspunde pe blog sau in privat...
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Forex Trading Strategy 75 - forex trading tradeking

Forex Trading Strategy 75 ~ forex trading tradekingTrade of the Week: USD/CHF H1:  23-25 March +3% Profit (+150 pips)For more details, click "Examples of Trade" in the menuA trade in the direction of the trend: This is downtrend on H4, on H1 after a move down, there is a pullback and we have a setup at Francfort Open on the 23rd, this is the second break after the break with the sleeping alligator and the stop loss, above the blue line, is at 50 pips. The price drops and then move harmoniously, we exit on th 25th while the prices breaks the upper level of the fractal box above the blue line for +150 pips (+3%).More info for Forex Trading Strategy 75 ~ forex trading tradeki...
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When will petrol prices go down - forex trader yang berjaya

When will petrol prices go down ~ forex trader yang berjayaWhen will petrol prices go down?All the mainstream media has been reporting about how low the oil price is and the number of records this pricing has broken. People around the world are saying it is cheaper to buy oil than to buy daily common items like pizzas and beers."Two large pizzas - cheaper than a barrel of oil. #?????— Ol Brandon (@BrandonLockhart) January 13, 2016To, inevitably, booze. A native Londoner writes:""WTI Crude now trading at $29.59 US a barrel, now cheaper than a pair of pants at @Target. #cdnpoli #oilprice— CTV - Ian White (@CTVIanWhite) January 15, 2016"A quick check on my forex account...
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Middle Bar - forex market times open close

Middle Bar ~ forex market times open closeMiddle bar trading system requires only a plain chart on the daily timeframe.It’s a little subjective, and so requires some experience to identify thebest opportunities.On the Daily chart, we look at the last candle to see if it is larger than theaverage candles around it.For a BUY:Once we identify a large candle, then the next day, we place an order toBUY in the MIDDLE of the candle.Our stoploss goes below the LOW of the previous candle – and then wetrail it to try and ride a big trend.Middle Bar trading systemSELL:Once we identify a large candle, then the next day, we place an order toSELL in the MIDDLE of the candle.Our stoploss goes below the HIGH...
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