Kamis, 31 Maret 2016

Pozitionarea banilor inteligenti pe principalele perechi valutare - forex trading software developer

Pozitionarea banilor inteligenti pe principalele perechi valutare ~ forex trading software developerMai sunt cateva ore ?i vom începe o nou? s?pt?man? de tranzac?ionare. Este momentul s? arunc?m o privire peultimul Raport COT ?i s? vedem cum sunt plasa?i reprezentan?ii Fondurilor de Headge, Banci sau marile institu?ii financiare.Pe dolarul american înregistr?m 47.578 pozitii long în timp ce short sunt plasate 19.375 de contracte. Totalul net al pozi?iilor sunt 66.953. Altfel spus 71% sunt pozi?iona?i long în timp ce doar 29% sunt plasa?i short.Aud/Usd, 44.295 Long iar short 81.707. Pozi?ii totale 125.002. 35% dintre pozi?ii sunt long ?i 65 % sunt pozi?iona?i short.Usd/Cad, 54.480 long iar short...
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Forex Trading Strategy 92 - forex trading uganda

Forex Trading Strategy 92 ~ forex trading ugandaTrade of the Week: USD/JPY H1: 10 - 12 February: +4.5% Profit (+140 pips)For more details, click "Examples of Trade" in the menuThe classical ones, the best ones: On Tuesday 10th at Francfort Open, we have a clear direction on H4, the alligator is wide open to the north, it is uptrend. On H1, we have a sleeping alligator inside a tight fractal box. We take the break, the price moves harmoniously and we exit the 12th at the break of the lower level of the box for +140 pips (+4.5% Profit)More info for Forex Trading Strategy 92 ~ forex trading ugan...
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EUR USD marchează și cel de al doilea nivel de targetare - best forex trading platforms australia

EUR USD marchează și cel de al doilea nivel de targetare ~ best forex trading platforms australiaÎn analiza noastr? s?pt?mânal? trimis? abona?ilor înaintea deschiderii sesiunilor de tranzac?ionare spuneam c? perechea Eur/Usd va începe s?pt?mâna printr-un raliu ?i d?deam dou? nivele de targetare. Primul nivel de targetare a fost la 1.09015 ?i a?a cum am v?zut el a fost atins în sesiunea de ieri. Cel de-al doilea target indicat abona?ilor no?tro a fost 1.09650 si dup? cum se poate vedea în graficul nostru postat mai sus, a fost atins acum. Cel de-al doilea nivel de targetare se afl? chiar sub nivelul de rezisten?? dinamic? a unghiului 1x1 ascendent, la intersec?ie cu nivelul de rezisten?? fix?...
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Reversal candlestick pattern the Harami - forex market hours pst

Reversal candlestick pattern the Harami ~ forex market hours pstThe Harami pattern is a reversal pattern that signals an exausting dowtrend or a rally that is losoing steam. The Harami candlestick formation is comprised the first candle has a long body while the second candle has a smaller body that is within the first candle. Tipically the smaller of the second candle the stronger the price reversal signal. The smaller the wicks of the second candle the more accurate the signal. If the second candle hovers near the top of the first candle during an up trend this indicates that there is a higher probability for consolidation than a reversal. The same is true in a downtrend, wihch is if the second...
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Forex Trading Strategy 124 - forex trading with 500 dollars

Forex Trading Strategy 124 ~ forex trading with 500 dollarsTrade of the week 2: EUR/JPY H1: 13-14 November: +134 pips (+4%)For more details, click "Examples of Trade" in the menuOn H4, the alligator is opening and the ewave is starting to peak. We take the second break out of the fractal box on H1 (on the first break, the risk is too high with a SL at more than 60 pips), the initial stop loss is below the green line as we are in an investing mode (32 pips), the price goes up slowly but surely and we exit on Friday afternoon, we have a perfect exit when the prices reaches the monthly highest for +134 pips.More info for Forex Trading Strategy 124 ~ forex trading with 500 dolla...
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Rabu, 30 Maret 2016

Trend Bouncer with Bollinger Bands - forex market times open

Trend Bouncer with Bollinger Bands ~ forex market times openTrend bouncer forex strategy is a trend following system that use the Bollinger Bands, the purpose of this trading system is to find the retracement during a trend and get in to trade with the trend. In an uptrend, you will fi nd that, at a certain point in time, prices will pull back or retrace before continuing with the upward movement. Similarly for a downtrend, prices will retrace upward against the downward momentum before continuing their way down again. Experienced trend traders usually wait for the retracement to happen before taking a trade in the direction of the trend. This is how the trend bouncer strategy came about. The...
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AUDCHF marcheaza cel de al doilea target la 250 pips - forex trading hours new year

AUDCHF marcheaza cel de al doilea target la 250 pips ~ forex trading hours new yearSaptamana trecuta am initiat o pozitie short pe perechea AUDCHF . In ultima noastra analiza pe aceasta perechea spuneam:"Ieri recomandam deschiderea unei pozitii short pe AUDCHF dupa strapungerea nivelului de suport dinamic al unghiului 1x1. Prima tinta vizata de noi era nivelul de suport dinamic al unghiului 8x1. Dupa cum se poate vedea in graficul nostru de 4h postat mai sus in acest moment pretul se gaseste pe suportul dinami 8x1. Intr-o analiza din cursul acestei dimineti semnalam ca vizam un al doilea target mai jos in zona lui 0.6910. Va trebui insa sa avem rabdare. Marcam aici partial profitul la +109 pips...
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24 48 EMAs Crossover - forex market hours nz

24 48 EMAs Crossover ~ forex market hours nzEMAs crossover is a swing type strategy to trend following.Time Frame 30min, H1, H4. (30 min good time frame for this forex strategy)Currency pairs: EUR / USD, GBP / USD, USD / CHF, USD / CAD, USD / JPY, AUD / USD, GBP / JPY, AUD / JPY.Indicators:Exponential moving average (24 periods,);Exponential movinjg average (48 periods);Exponential movinjg average (5 periods median price);Average directional Index (13 periods with 30 level).Strategy ConceptThis forex method used moving averages crossover as alerts of buy and sell. A crossover determine a change of direction of the movement of the price but it can identify also a change of momentum.The ADX indicator...
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Forex Trading Strategy 112 - forex trading vancouver

Forex Trading Strategy 112 ~ forex trading vancouverReview of the week 8 - 12 December on 9 pairs H1A good week: No massive trade but few good little trades for a total of +8% profit. More info for Forex Trading Strategy 112 ~ forex trading vancouv...
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Selasa, 29 Maret 2016

Forex Trading Strategy 120 - forex trading with $100

Forex Trading Strategy 120 ~ forex trading with $100Review of the week 17 - 21 November on 9 pairs H1Nothing this week until friday which where we could bank 2 good trades on EUR/USD & USD/CHF, total for the week: +8.5%More info for Forex Trading Strategy 120 ~ forex trading with $1...
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Forex Trading - forex market hours uk

Forex Trading ~ forex market hours ukWhat is Forex trading?Forex (Foreign Exchange)is a trading/transaction that trade currency of a country against another country’s currency that involved main currency trading in the world for 24 hours straight (please refer to trading hours).The Forex trading is open in New Zealand and Australia beginning at 5.00 – 14.00 WIB, direct to Asia’s Japan, Singapore and Hong Kong that begins at 07.00 – 16.00 WIB, then followed by Europe’s Germany and UK that begins at 13.00 – 22.00 WIB, followed by America’s market from 20.30 – 10.30 WIB. History reveals that even central bank that owned by biggest foreign currency countries can be beat by the power of forex market.According...
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CCI Flash Scalping - forex trading hours london time

CCI Flash Scalping ~ forex trading hours london timeCCI flash scalping is a forex tradind system trend momentum very fast. A nice little 5-minute system – ideal for riding London morning session trends.Time Frame 5 min.Currency pairs: EUR/USD, GBP/USD.Indicators:Commodity channel Index (20 period close);Exponential moving average (34 period, close).CCI Flash Scalping trading rulesSellFor a SELL trade we want price to be trending down and BELOW the 34ema.We SELL when the CCI(20) crosses down BELOW the -90 line(level).BuyFor a BUY trade we want price to be trending down and ABOVE the 34ema.We BUY when the CCI(20) crosses down ABOVE the +90 line(level).Exit position at the opposite conditions or...
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The WMA Daily Trend Catcher - forex market hours monitor v3

The WMA Daily Trend Catcher ~ forex market hours monitor v3The WMA Daily Trend CatcherThe WMA Daily Trend Catcher works best on the Daily timeframe for jumping on board bigtrends.In truth, you’re going to get a few losing trades before you get hugewinner (but it will be worth it!).Time Frame: Daily.Currency pairs: any.Markets: Forex, Futures, Indicies.Indicators:5wma, 15wma and 50wma.Top Tip: Using Price Action with this system will boost your success bydecreasing the number of losing trades you have.Long EntryBuy when 5WMA crosses above 50WMA.Exit when 5wma crosses below 15wma.Short EntrySell when 5WMA crosses below 50WMA.Exit when 5wma crosses above 15wma.Place initial stop loss on the previous...
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Trading with Force Index - forex trading hours and days

Trading with Force Index ~ forex trading hours and daysThe Force Index developed by Alexander Elder is an indicator that uses price and volume . The Force Index can be used as trending indicator to reinforce the overall trend, for identify corrections of the markets or reversals trend with divergences. In this trading system we use the Force Index with other indicators of trend.Time Frame 30 min or higher.Indicators:• Moving Average - period 20, simple method, it’s normally above or below the price.• Parabolic SAR - step 0.02, maximum 0.2, represented by the dots that are also found above orbelow the price.• MACD - fast ema,12, slow ema ,26, Macd sma ,9,• Force Index - period 13, simple method.MACD...
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Reversal Candlestick pattern Dark Cloud Cover Signifying Bearish Reversal - forex trading hours pst

Reversal Candlestick pattern Dark Cloud Cover Signifying Bearish Reversal ~ forex trading hours pstA dark cloud cover is a bearish reversal pattern that signifies weakening buying pressure. The pattern involves the body of a red candle closing within the body of the previous green candle. Graphically, this pattern shows that despite a strong session, the currency pair is meeting resistance at higher levels. If the green candles does not close at least halfway into the body of the red candle, traders need to be careful with formation, as it may be giving a false signal. In such cases, it is probably prudent for traders to wait for a trend reversal confirmation in the next candle. The deeper the...
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Senin, 28 Maret 2016

DAX a ajuns pe zona celui de al doilea target - forex trading platform api

DAX a ajuns pe zona celui de al doilea target ~ forex trading platform apiIn buletinul nostru de analiza saptamanala Gann recomandam abonatilor nostri sa introduca pozitii short pe indicele DAX cu o prima zona de targetare si managerizare pe zona 0.666 a box-ului Gann de 90 de zile. Cel de-al doilea target indicat pentru aceasta pozitie short este pe suportul fix al box-ului la 0.50%. Dupa cum se poate observa cu usurinta in graficul postat piata a confirmat asteptarile noastre si in acest moment suntem pe zona celui de-al doilea target. O strapungere a acesti zone ar deschide in mod obiectiv calea catre cea de a treia zona de suport, de data aceasta suportul dinamic al unghiului 2x1.Vom marca...
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Peko Money Tracker Cash Out 8 - forex trading zaharuddin

Peko Money Tracker Cash Out 8 ~ forex trading zaharuddinCash out 8What are the things we associate with when we mention Singapore? Best airport? Best government? Best sea port? There are just so many great achievements that i can be proud of being a Singaporean and staying in Singapore. An interesting conversation with Bratt, a fellow Pekoer got me thinking;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Bratt: Hi care for a peko?Me: sure! Good luck!Bratt: so where you from?Me: Singapore, how bout you?Bratt: From USA here. Singapore? Well, anyone got hit with a cane recently?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Haha thats interesting, not only are a known for our number ones, we are also a fine country with strict laws that comes with...
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Indicele dolarului gata de long - forex trading auto software

Indicele dolarului gata de long ~ forex trading auto softwareIndicele dolarului ?i-a continuat ?i în acest început de s?pt?mân? mi?carea corectiv? din valul 4. Dup? cum se poate observa în graficul nostru de 4 ore, în acest moment pre?ul evolueaz? într-o structur? clasic? tip wedge. Consider?m c? a?teptatele date de mîine pot s? activeze dolarul ?i s? îl trimit? din nou în mi?care ascendent? în valul 5.Înscrieri la Cursurile de Analiz? Gann ?i abonare la Buletinul de Analiz? S?pt?mânal? Gann pe emailgannmasterforex@gmail.com  si pe Patreon.comMore info for Indicele dolarului gata de long ~ forex trading auto softwa...
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CCI retracement trading - forex trading hours indicator mt4

CCI retracement trading ~ forex trading hours indicator mt4CCI retracement tradingis a trend-momentum strategy. This trading system is very symple and higly accurate.Time Frame 5 min or higher.Markets: Forex and Indicies.Indicators:commodity channel Index (CCC, 25 period);Simple moving average (SMA, 200 period). Trading rules CCI retracement tradingLong EntryThe current price will be above 200 simple moving average and buy when Commodity Channel Index 25 gets -100 level.Short EntryThe current price will be below 200 simple moving average and sell when Commodity Channel Index 25 gets -100 level;Profit Target 40 pips, Initial stop loss on the previosu swing high/low or Stop loss 40 pips, Risk,...
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Minggu, 27 Maret 2016

Indicele dolarului se respinge din rezistenta 3x1 la 75 timp - forex trading platforms comparison

Indicele dolarului se respinge din rezistenta 3x1 la 75 timp ~ forex trading platforms comparisonIn ultima noastra analiza pe indicele dolarului spuneam ca pretul testeaza nivelul de rezistenta dinamic al unghiului 3x1 si daca acesta va ceda deschide cale libera catre nivelul de rezistenta dinamica al unghiului 8x1. Dupa cum putem sa vedem in graficul postat mai sus pretul a realizat un top exact pe nivelul de rezistenta dinamica al unghiului 3x1 in momentul in care s-a suprapus cu nivelul de rezistenta timp de la 75% a box-ului nostru Gann. Dupa cum stim, Gann spunea ca in momentul in care timpul se suprapune cu pretul exista un grad foarte ridicat de probabilitate ca trendul sa-si modifice...
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Long Gbp Usd - forex trading hours weekend

Long Gbp Usd ~ forex trading hours weekendGBP/USD a realizat pe graficul de 15 minute o miscare de impuls urmata de o corectie. Am deschis o pozitie long cu target in zona lui 1.4450/70. Raportul risc profit 1 la 6.Înscrieri la Cursurile de Analiz? Gann ?i abonare la Buletinul de Analiz? S?pt?mânal? Gann pe emailgannmasterforex@gmail.com  si pe Patreon.comDaca analizele noastre va plac distribuiti link-ul prietenilor dumneavoastra pe canalele de socializare. Doriti sa aflati mai multe despre analiza Gann, puneti intrebari in rubrica noastra de comantarii. Va vom raspunde pe blog sau in privat dupa cum doriti.  More info for Long Gbp Usd ~ forex trading hours weeke...
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MACD 5 bars histogram - forex market hours new years eve

MACD 5 bars histogram ~ forex market hours new years eveThe MACD 5 bars histogram is an excellent swing trading strategy for beginners. The beauty of this strategy is that it does not require you to monitor the market for a long time. It also signals you well in advance as to when the entry of a trade is about to take place. When prices rise, the histogram bar becomes longer as the speed of theprice movement accelerates; the bar contracts as price movement decelerates. The same principle applies when prices are falling, but the histogram bars form at the bottom.Time Frame: H1 and H4;Currency pairs:majors.The MACD histogram indicates the direction and momentum of the market. When the MACD histogram...
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Forex Trading Strategy 63 - forex trading tax reporting

Forex Trading Strategy 63 ~ forex trading tax reportingMarket Analysis of 4th May: I wont be able to make video market analysis as I will be away from my desk.The next market analysis will be made for the week starting the 11thMore info for Forex Trading Strategy 63 ~ forex trading tax reporti...
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Forex Trading Strategy 70 - forex trading time frame

Forex Trading Strategy 70 ~ forex trading time frameTrade of the Week: EUR/JPY H1:  8-10 April: +5% Profit (+250 pips)For more details, click "Examples of Trade" in the menuOn the 8th, 17.00 (GMT+1), we have a nice setup with a double break H1/H4, this is also a cross of the H4 ewave zero line. The stop loss is, above the H1 box, at 50 pips. The price drops and then we have a pull back but it never goes above the red line, the price, then moves slowly but surely, we exit few hours before the closure of the week for +250 pips (+5% profit).More info for Forex Trading Strategy 70 ~ forex trading time fra...
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Slow Turtle System - forex trading sessions gmt

Slow Turtle System ~ forex trading sessions gmtTurtle trading system originally developed by Richard Dennis and William Eckhardt and now being used by possibly hundreds of hedge funds to manage currencies, stocks, and commodities. They made a bet and then used very minimal criteria to select a group of students to teach.These students became the original “turtles” (named after the Turtle system that they were taught) and most of them went on to manage fairly impres- sive funds. All of them were sworn to secrecy about the details of the original system. However, I doubt at this point any of them use that originalsystem and if they do, it is certainly not the version we want to be using, the Turtles...
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