Rabu, 09 Januari 2019

Fx Trading Platform Market Share


The foreign exchange market (forex, fx, or currency market) is a global decentralized or over-the-counter (otc) market for the trading of currencies. this market determines the foreign exchange rate. it includes all aspects of buying, selling and exchanging currencies at current or determined prices.. Forex or fx or forex market became a decentralized hub for currency trading. currencies are bought, sold and exchanged at the live forex rate. fx is the largest trading market in terms of volumes traded.. Competing electronic forex trading platforms include ebs, citigroup is the leading foreign exchange trading bank with a market share of 16.1 percent, according to the euromoney fx survey.

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Industry news, retail fx, technology trading platform market share war hots up as metatrader 5 goes viral in asia . metatrader 5 is at last gaining a foothold in the very fast moving markets of central asia and the far east, after some six years of living in the shadow of metatrader 4.. Thomson reuters thomson reuters’ fx platforms support a combined average daily trading volume of $350 billion, representing a substantial chunk of global market turnover. fxall, the dealer-to-client platform acquired by thomson reuters in 2012, has 1,700 institutional clients and 160 market makers.. Online trading with markets.com – commission free cfd trading for stocks, commodities, indices and currencies. open your account today and trade with up to 1:200 leverage. carries risk of capital loss. bonus t&cs apply..

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